APOLOGIES! The correct date for the Annual Snowdrop Walk is on Saturday February 14th. Leave Ramper Lane at 10.00am and enjoy the walk to Kirk Bramwith Church to see the beautiful array of snowdrops. Return to the Methodist Church for soup and roll and a welcome cuppa! Dogs allowed. You are advised to wear warm clothing and strong footwear. All welcome.
FEBRUARY 18th ASH WEDNESDAY – A Circuit Day of Prayer, Evening Service at Alder Grove 6.00pm
SOUP LUNCH – Wednesday March 18th. at 12.30pm. Mrs Anne Worrall has kindly agreed to provide a choice of Leek & Potato soup, or Carrot & Coriander, there will be a delicious selection of cheeses on the cheese board, together with grapes and biscuits, Tea, Coffee or fruit juice will also be available.
Come and enjoy a lunch and a friendly get together, Everyone welcome.
Tickets from Joan Scholes £3.00
WOMEN’S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER will be held at the ANGLICAN CHURCH on Friday March 6th at 10.30am, the service will be led by Joan Scholes, Gentlemen are warmly invited to this Service prepared by Christian Women of the Bahamas.- “Take a Break” in the Church Hall afterwards!!
A BEETLE DRIVE will be held at 2.00pm on WEDNESDAY APRIL 18th in the Methodist Church, come along, enjoy the fun, watch those beetles, see how they run!! Light refreshments will be served, tickets £2.50 from Joan Scholes.
ADVANCE NOTICE – Easter Sunday Service on April 5th will be conducted by
Mrs Anne Dyer from Cliff College, the service commences at 10.30am All Welcome.
TUESDAY FELLOWSHIP meets every TUESDAY at 2.30pm in the Methodist Church, Ladies and Gentlemen welcome, enquiries to Mrs June Cobb 885352